I carry a selection of starter pens. These pens are sturdy and perfect for beginners and people who are looking to find their ideal writing instrument.
The difference between these pens and name-brand pens is primarily in the performance of the feed. The feeds on these pens are a bit slower than something you’ll get from a name-brand manufacturer. What does that mean? They’re not as quick to start writing and if you write (or draw) too rapidly, the feed may not refill fast enough to keep up with you (causing the pen to not write until the feed refills).
These pens are great for taking out into the wild, loaning to friends, or just tossing in your pack. They’re great for learning on and experimenting with inks — play with them, use them hard, learn how to service them at low risk. If you damage the pen, you’re only out a few dollars to get a replacement.
I try to keep these pens at $8 or less. There is a $10 order minimum on the site (this is necessary for me to support free shipping) – I strongly suggest heading over to the Ink section and picking a sample vial of ink!
Jinhao 35$8.00
Jinhao 992$8.00
Jinhao 500$8.00
Jinhao 159$10.00
Jinhao Shark Pen$3.00
Thin Metal Art Pen$8.00
Metal Signature Pen$8.00
Plastic Starter Pen$8.00
I expect to also carry a curated list of reliable pens at the entry-, mid-, and professional levels. I am still working with vendors to establish relationships with them to sell these name-brand pens.